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Media Purgatory

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In order to cut back on the number of dead posts with only one person actually following the show, this thread now exsists to preview the fanbase before moving on to having a full thread.

Essentially, you'll ask about a particular TV show, movie, whatever, and if anyone else shows interest in it, those posts will be split off to form a new topic for that program. If no one shows interest...well, your post will litter the thread either until someone finally notices it or it gets sent to the Masher. :p

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So I'll start...

Does anybody watch the show Supernatural on the CW Network? It's about two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who are hunters of anything supernatural. They've taken on werewolves, shapeshifters, vampires, ghosts, zombies, demons, even a couple of pagan demigods at one point.

They've just started their fourth season. In season three, Dean sold his soul to a demon to bring Sam back from death and got a year. At the end of the season, he was sent to hell but now he's back, pulled from hell by the angel Castiel. Apparently the demon who sent Dean down to the pit is now seeking to break the sixty-six seals in hell. Once they all go down, Lucifer walks free. This means the angels are back, after 2000 years (lol), and are waging war against the demons...and they need Dean's help.

That said, the show is by no means religious. It's more of a dark and literal view on any and all myths, legends, lore and fairy tales. Meaning the angels are not white, fluffy-winged cherubs playing harps on a cloud.

If that doesn't peak your fancy, then the show is also full of witty humour. The two stars, Jensen Ackles ("Jason Teague", Smallville) and Jared Padalecki ("Dean Forester", Gilmore Girls) have incredible chemistry and watching them in the gag reels is a riot.

Finally, if you're a fan of classic rock, like AC/DC, Kansas, Journey, Lynyrd Skynyrd, etc., then you'll love the soundtrack.

Here's a taste for the uninitiated...

Edited by Drake

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Does anybody watch.... How I Met Your Mother, 30 Rock, Pushing Daisies, The Office, and/or Grey's Antomy (No one is allowed to maek fun of me because I like Grey's Anatomy).

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You don't have that authority.

You watch Grey's Anatomy? You're a patsy. :p

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I love The Office and I've seen a few episodes of Pushing Daisies and enjoyed them.

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Oh, Pushing Daisies was pretty awesome :)

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Radioactive Isotope

i catch How I Met Your Mother every now and then. i've liked the episodes i saw.

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I watch Grey's Anatomy. I dunno if it's worthy of discussion though :p

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It's not worth discussing, because everyone will just make fun of you, I should know...

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Anyone watching Kings on NBC? Or Castle on ABC? They just started, but I'm really enjoying them.

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Never heard of them so...no, lol.

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Kings is basically "What if America was a monarchy?," right? To that I'll ask "What would they fill twinkies with if not cream filling?" Perhaps jelly? Caramel? Monkey blood? I don't know, but I'd tune in to find out.

Castle...is that the one with Nathan Fillion? It looks good. Mostly because of Nathan Fillion. Actually, entirely because of Nathan Fillion. In fact, without Nathan Fillion, I'd not care at all.

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Nathan Fillion is the ony reason to watch several things... plus we need to watch because he has bad luck to star in several television shows that get canceled... so we need to support him.

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True, but Kings is also basically a modern retelling of the story of David. Which is why I'm surprised it ever made it to TV in the first place.

Yeah, Castle is pretty awesome. It's sort of like a Murder, She Wrote, but it's still pretty interesting. The play between Castle and Det. Beckett is sweet.

And, well, Nathan Fillion only really had bad luck on shows on FOX. This is on ABC, so he has more of a chance.

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Is there a 24 thread? Should there be?

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I'd talk about it, but there's the small matter of finishing season 2. I was going to say screw it and try watching this season anyway, but it might even be too late for that.

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Anyone also watching The Unusuals, Harper's Island or SouthLAnd?

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I saw the first episode of The Unusuals. It seems interesting enough, I suppose. What day is it on?

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Wednesdays at 10, after LOST.

Though, I heard something about it being on tonight as well, but I'm not sure about it.

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Master Hayes

I've DVR'd the first 2 episodes of Harpers Island, but haven't watched them yet. I'm hoping it's good because it took another good show off for it's run in Eleventh Hour.

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I love it! It's a great mystery show.

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Radioactive Isotope

i need to catch up on that one. during the day. with the lights on. and my vicious attack bird to protect me. :p

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Bah, it's not that scary.

Think of it as The Mole, but instead of getting kicked off for bad quiz results, the people die.


Also, I wish someone else here watched SouthLAnd.

I think that show is my new crack.

Edited by Mara

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Does anyone watch How I Met Your Mother?

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Very rarely.

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