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The Medical Frigate

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James the Defender

I'm home, y'all!! :D :D :D

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2009 has really sucked for everyone in the health department, huh? lol

I still feel weird sometimes, but not badly enough that I'm going to go to my doctor because everything is so vague that they didn't seem to know what it was. Several blood tests came back normal, and I figured that worrying about it was doing more harm than good. So, whatever; I don't care. I'll worry when something happens. :roll:

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Had my 2nd nerve block today and I'm not entirely sure that they got it in the right place, but gotta give the steroids time to work

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James the Defender

They gave me an epidural in addition to putting me under...I thought that was odd...

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Aren't they fun? My uncle had a fatty tumor removed from his butt a few years back and they offered him an epidural instead of general anesthesia because he was going to be a tough intubation but because he'd be able to hear everything that goes on, he said no thanks.

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no. because every time i have pain, my normal kidney doctor has me do tests. even if i have a sterile sample with blood, mayo refuses to see me because "there is nothing they can do." which is why my doctor sends me to mayo because "there is nothing he can do." i've been having the pain on and off since last december when i had my last lithotripsy. :(

Have you thought about going somewhere other than Mayo?

I don't think that they got the right area when they did my nerve block yesterday. Instead of the pain getting better, it's just getting worse and all I want to do is cry.

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i have thought about going to the kidney stone specialist in st paul, but i need to get the clinic information for him and get a referral...

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My doctor had better hit the right spot tomorrow morning...

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Yeah, my doctor had the flu this morning. Got up at 6:30, got ready, went to the doctor's office, had my vitals taken, nurse went out, then came back in and told me that for the first time in 2 years the doctor called in sick because he was home in bed with the flu. They start seeing patients at 7am and he usually shows up about 7:05 to give them time to get the first two patients ready. Get to try again tomorrow.

Scratch that, he's going to be out tomorrow too. Don't get to go again until next Tuesday now

Edited by Princess

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My left leg is starting to hurt. This is not a good sign

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what adoes that mean? something went wrong with the shotS?

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The shots didn't work. The pain and numbness can mean that the problem is getting worse. I have to have the surgery now and I'm scared to have it.

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i can imagine the fear going through your head right now :( that really sucks prinny...

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I hurt so bad that I'm shaking. Going to the ER in a few minutes and if you don't see me for a few days then they've admitted me to take care of the problem

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I hurt so bad that I'm shaking. Going to the ER in a few minutes and if you don't see me for a few days then they've admitted me to take care of the problem

I hope everything is okay. I really hope they can solve your problem. My thoughts will be with you. I hope you can be in as little pain as possible. (Better yet, none.) Take care of yourself. If it's possible, keep us updated on your situation. I think I can speak for all of us here and say we wish you the best and we hope you get better as soon as possible.

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Thank you. I'm posting from the clinical decision unit Aka the basement of the er on my iPod. Tonight I'll be having a MRI of my entire spine and unless they find a red herring then tomorrow will be another laproscopy and an appendectomy just because

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James the Defender

Oh, boy! Appendectomies are fun... *touches his scar* No...they aren't...

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:( "paging dr house"

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Thank you very much first surgeon that operated on me. Turns out that I had adhesions form after the first surgery which happens. What isn't normal though was finding out that something had been sutured to my colon. Imagine stitches pulling at your colon every time you or it move.

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omg...so what's the next step you take then? obviously you aren't supposed to have things attached to your colon...

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They fixed it yesterday so I should be on the road to recovery

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What the HELL? That's just sloppy.

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Yup. I may be seeing dollar signs now...

Edited by Princess

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