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Chewbacca Article

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Cracked Topics: Chewbacca

So Cracked.com has this project going where people write pages on a specific topic, kind of like a comedic wikipedia, only not. I'd been thinking about doing it for a while when I browsed the list of available topics and saw one that I could not possibly let fall into someone else's hands. So here it is. Let me know what you think, guys.

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It's great! Except...

Chewbacca the Wookie was the co-pilot of the Millenium Falcon and an all-around can of furry badass.

You spelled Wookiee wrong. :p

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I blame the deadline. :shifty:

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Oh, I missed that. :p

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Yesterday the article was featured on the front page of Cracked.com. It currently has 128,877 page views, 584 Diggs, and 3 pages worth of comments calling me retarded and offering to tell me what a vagina is. Is this what validation feels like?

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Welcome to the life of fame, my friend.

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Haha. Not so much.

We'll see how my stand-up goes. :p

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Radioactive Isotope

i thought it was great. don't listen to those morons. if they're so knowledgable about teh ladies, why aren't they with one? huh? ;)

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Haha. I'm more amused by them than anything. Internet commenters are the absolute bottom of humanity's barrel, but Cracked's users tend to be more intelligent and funny than, say, everywhere else.

And I'd totally love to know what a vagina is like.

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You should work this into your improv someway

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Hmm? Which part?

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Bad furday

I was going to rip Chicken's arms out of their sockets for spelling Wookiee wrong, but was then distracted by the word 'vagina' :p

Clearly...his cunning linguistics have granted his arms a reprieve. :p

*sees everyone screaming at the semi obvious entendres* :p

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