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Flagrant Examples of Nerdity

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Post times when your geekiness surpassed social norms.

The following exchange just took place via Facebook:

Jay: tucked his boy in & read him another chapter in a Star Wars book ... but what'll I read him, when we're done?

(8 commenters respond who will then get a notification of the following.)

John Knight: The next Star Wars book in the series, damn it. Or if not the next one, I at least suggest Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Traitor.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a not-getting-laid to attend to.

(Alternately, you could throw a rock in any direction at the internet and find Obi-Wan/Anakin slash fanfiction.)

Also one day I wore this:


under this:


while reading this:


In class.

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Radioactive Isotope


My costume:


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Where'd you get that jacket? I barely recognize you.

And that other person has an awesome JM in a Jedi costume costume.

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I used to leave my graduation gown open so it was like a Jedi robe (only metallic blue) and pretend to twirl a lightsaber. My college gown will be even more appropriate as it's going to be brown.

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Did you select the college for that particular reason? :p

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Meh. Mine was just plain black. And I didn't get to keep it. :p

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So you were a Sith who had her robe on layaway.

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Bad furday

Those Sith are so stingy! I bet they always haggle over the price when they're in the market.

And by haggle, I mean Force choke and memory erase. :p

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