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Tenel Ka

Celebration V Non-Con!

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Tenel Ka

When Celebration V was announced, a few of my friends and I were disappointed we weren't going to be able to make it. We were either too far, had classes or we were already planning for Dragon*Con which happens just a few weeks after CV. We got to talking about the whole thing and figured that we could have our own form of SW related entertainment in the way of the Celebration V Non-Con!

The CVNC is basically an online sort of version of a convention for all the Star Wars fans who can't make it to Orlando that weekend to join in the physical festivities. We'll be having our own "panels" (chats), contests (fanworks, costumes, etc.), games and so on over the course of the weekend so while we may not be partying at the con center, we'll be partying somehow! ;)

For more details, please feel free to check out the website of the CVNC and sign up if you can't make it to the actual Celebration V!

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Aha, awesome! :D

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