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Jake Durron

In Roc and just unpacked the car! WOOT WOOT! DRINKS ON ME!!!! *makes a round of everclear margaritas*

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Applebee's White Peach Sangria is more dangerous than it appears

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Uh won't durasteel get like super hot?

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Jake Durron


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Jake Durron

ok so this *runs in a big ass rectangle with red tape.* is the pool area... *hands thermal detonators* ready?

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Jake Durron

hehehe *lobs bombs and drags drunk Prinny back into the bar and out of the way of flying debris*

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Thanks Kia!

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Oh god. There goes the neighbourhood...

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Your'e the one hwo gave us access to explosives

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Jake Durron

Hush you!

Looks out and finds the crater perfectly shaped.*

Ok now to get the magical droid fleet to concrete it for us!

* supervise*

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YEah i gues aw we don't want a nmudhole

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Jake Durron

nope! no mud.

*Starts to level out the area around the crater and lay down bamboo slats.*

Edited by Makia Jake Durron

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Nightns nights! *apsses out in booth*

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Jake Durron

*covers her with blanket and finishes pool before collapsing in one of the hammocks strung up*

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YEah i gues aw we don't want a nmudhole

Slimy? Mudhole? Yadda yadda... :p

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Oh god. There goes the neighbourhood...

In more ways than one!

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Bad furday

*relaxes in his booth, watching a late night showing of Maximum Overdrive* :D:p:lol:

I wonder if they ever went ahead with the remake of the remake? *

*has popcorn and soda*

* was later remade as Trucks!

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Mmm coffee... Too bad it's already too hot out to enjoy it out on the deck. I tried.

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*Downs a Redbull*

What a stupid morning.

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What's wrong?

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Robert went out for a friend's birthday last night (which was perfectly fine) and went bowling with them. He didn't come home until 30 minutes before he had to go to work. Along the way he:

1. Decided it would be a good idea to do a handstand which resulted in shattering his phone screen

2. Killed his phone battery with using stupid apps while playing laser tag

3. Ended up going to said friend's house and falling asleep while in mid conversation.

All of this would have been fine, especially the last two if he had actually called me last night just to give me a heads up.

I set my alarm for 4 am, since he had to be to work at 5 and was planning on biking since today was supposed to be nice. Well, needless to say, my alarm went off, and Robert wasn't here. I called him and got his voice mail box, so I called the person whose birthday it was. No answer there either. So, I'm left here, freaking out because I can't get a hold of anyone, my car isn't in the garage, and I have several different bad scenarios going through my mind. I was crying and freaking out, obviously. I had just asked a friend to come and get me so we could go searching for at least my car, when, as she had gotten into her car, guess who walks through the door.

-_- I think what made it worse was when, as I was dropping him off, he said "I knew I should have come home after I broke my phone, but I didn't."

I just wanted a GD phone call!

I'm not mad at him, just frustrated that he didn't call me when he wasn't going to come home.

Edited by Ayingel

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Wow that sounds like a crazy way to start the day, huggles

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Yeah. Seriously seems like he needs some lessons in responsiblity

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