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Bad furday

I'd like one too, but it's just not logical at the moment. :( :)

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Beachcamera.com is pretty nice. They also go through Amazon. I got my nice red Pentax for under $700

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I got my camera for $90. :p

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Bad furday

Beachcamera.com is pretty nice. They also go through Amazon. I got my nice red Pentax for under $700

Ooh got yourself the Pentax K-x, did you? How is it?

After reviewing and comparing the specs of all my choices, it looks like it'll be the Nikon P300 for me. :D

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Bad furday

So on tonite's Archer, they opened with them in Monaco during the Monaco Grand Prix, featuring (*glee) 1960's style grand prix cars! :D

Well drawn too! :D

And now, having seen the whole thing-

The race kept on throughout the whole episode. I like Lana :hehe:

And seeing Archer in a grand prix car in Lotus colours, and Lana in one painted up to look like Herbie- priceless! :D

Edited by Bad furday
watched it all

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I like it but I'm so use to film that I needed to make some adjusting.

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James the Defender

We went on a trip last week to Antietam battlefield in Maryland and my father-in-law asked me to take pictures of this trip as he was our tour guide. I snapped a load of pics...but his battery died halfway through the trip... I didn't get the best shot of the sunken road and I didn't get any pics of Burnside's Bridge. He said the pics I did take were really good. :)

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Uncle Du

So I just happened to wander by the SW boards on a whim, and saw that they're shuttin' em down. When was that announced?

So on tonite's Archer, they opened with them in Monaco during the Monaco Grand Prix, featuring (*glee) 1960's style grand prix cars! :D

Well drawn too! :D

And now, having seen the whole thing-

The race kept on throughout the whole episode. I like Lana :hehe:

And seeing Archer in a grand prix car in Lotus colours, and Lana in one painted up to look like Herbie- priceless! :D

Dude, the whole show is AWESOME. You should IMDB the show and look at the chick that does Lana's voice. They've modeled most of the characters after the people doing their voices. It's pretty awesome.

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They announced it at the beginning of the week. *points to the announcement forum here*

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Uncle Du

Yea, I only look at like 5 topics here. :p

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Radioactive Isotope

Li'l Bro put in his mission papers on Thursday. We should know within the next two weeks where he's going and when he's leaving.

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James the Defender

Is it wrong of me to...uh..adapt the Gettysburg Address for a Star Wars story? (Keep in mind the Civil War started 150 yrs. ago today)

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Radioactive Isotope

Just got back from Celtic Woman. Envy me. :p

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Loooove Celtic Woman.

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I just spent a half hour on the phone with the Laboratory Director of Michigan Blood :D

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Bad furday

looks like there could be new employment in the future of the Prinster! :D

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Yup. They said I'll hear about an interview in person by the end of the week

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Great news Prin! :cheers:

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Bad furday

*makes coffee with his Keurig* :D

So easy...a Wookiee can do it! :p

*adds in some Bailey's Irish Coffee creamer*


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Bad furday

I feel like watching Back to the Future now :p

*sets up the movie on the cantina's vid screen* :D

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Uncle Du

Looks like there's reasons to drink here.


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I'm just glad to finally be home. It's been a long weekend. Anyone up for shots?

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Bad furday

Body shots? :shifty::p :hehe:

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Uncle Du

Yea, what he said. ;)

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