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The Inebriation Station

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*grabs the tequila* I have an interview on Tuesday

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Uncle Du

Every body get drunk! ;)

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*prepares some Washington Apples*

Leave me some for a margarita, Prin!

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Bad furday

*has a drink, and cackles endlessly at the Sun Drop commercial* :D :lol:

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James the Defender

Had some flex time to take today, leaving the office at 3 instead of 4:30 and I have off tomorrow! Good times!

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Uncle Du

Whoa I got hammered last night.

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How hammered were you? ;)

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James the Defender

*knocks back twelve vodka martinis* I'm miserable.

Nieces and nephews are over...my father's miserable, too, so he accuses my wife of kicking our older dachshund. Caity would never do such a thing. Penny may be blind and get in everyone's way, but my wife would never kick her. Penny is a loved member of this family.

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Radioactive Isotope

Li'l Bro's mission call finally came. The magic destination is Barranquilla, Colombia and he reports to the MTC July 13. Kinda not ready for this.

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Uncle Du

How hammered were you? ;)

Lets just say that my new nickname is Fight Club, or Tyler Durden, depending on who you talk to. :p

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Bad furday

Watch out, he's a brawler! :p

"Put 'em up, put em upppp!" --Cowardly Lion voice. :p

Edited by Bad furday

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Geeze -_-

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Happy Easter everyone!

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Yarr! Happy Resurrection Day!

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Bad furday

*Is watching a Travel Channel thingy on Spring Break Hotspots....and feeling immensely old.*

:p:( :shifty:

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James the Defender

*feels manly, drinks vodka*

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James the Defender

Went fishing on Sunday, saw an eagle come and take a fish from the lake. How come he can catch a fish and I can't?! :cry:

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James the Defender

Andy, how's the mood there with the royal wedding spending millions of pounds?

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Uncle Du

Wedding? :p

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*Is watching a Travel Channel thingy on Spring Break Hotspots....and feeling immensely old.*


I had that same feeling last month when I was out for dinner and drinks and saw the digital calendar on the bar said people born in 1990 could drink. And again Friday when I went to get my hair done and my stylist was younger than me. *sigh* At least the grey hairs are covered up again and the wrinkle cream is working...

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Bad furday

*Sits and sips coffee with Bailey's Irish Cream creamer in it.*


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An hour until I get my hurrr did. XD

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I love my kahlua flavored coffee

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James the Defender

I love my kahlua flavored coffee

I looked really quickly and thought you said "katana" flavored coffee... :|

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