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Bad furday

And if she had said "Kitana flavored", we'd think she was a cannibal!

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Dude, there's Almond Joy flavored coffee creamer! It is scrumptious.

I bet my Kalhua mudslide would be dandy mixed in as well... mmm.... rum.

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I love Kahlua mudslides ^ ^ . One of the few premixed I'll drink.

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Bad furday


Almond Joy flavoured creamer!? :D

*Is coincidentally watching the Canucks/Predators game...eating ice cream...and drinking coffee, black.*

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It is da bomb diggity.

P.S., I had a student a few weeks ago give me the blankest stare ever when I mentioned that I'd lived through Hurrican Andrew. Then it hit me... that was before she was born. :puke:

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Don't you hate it when you realize they're so much younger than you? My high school students make me feel old all the time :(

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Bad furday

*raises a glass*

Happy Star Wars day everyone! May the 4th be with you! :D :p

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James the Defender

And May the 4th be with you, as well!

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And to you all!

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Radioactive Isotope

Don't you hate it when you realize they're so much younger than you? My high school students make me feel old all the time :(

Neither of my Cub Scouts know who Lassie and Flipper are. :(

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I remember trying to explain who Bjork was once. "Wasn't she in that Swedish band that sang Bohemian Rhapsody?" I wanted to bang my head against the wall.

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James the Defender

Don't you hate it when you realize they're so much younger than you? My high school students make me feel old all the time :(

Neither of my Cub Scouts know who Lassie and Flipper are. :(

*singing* "They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning. No one, you see, is as forgettable as he." :p

We're all so old, :p

Edited by James the Defender

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I remember trying to explain who Bjork was once. "Wasn't she in that Swedish band that sang Bohemian Rhapsody?" I wanted to bang my head against the wall.

I once had to explain who Yoda was to a mates son (i couldn't believe he'd never heard of him not even in passing)

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Kids these days. No respect for the classics!

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It's amazing. I have friends who are my age and I've been indoctrinating them to Star Wars and at the end of Episode II they still haven't figured out that Senator Palpatine is the Emperor and Darth Sidious.

*slides a complimentary Blue Lomin down the bar to the newb and gets camera ready*

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Bad furday

Ooh a new newbie! Welcome welcome! :D

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*busts out tequila and margarita mix*

Feliz Cinco de Mayo everyone!

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Bad furday

*Parties, like he's on a beach in Cancun* :p

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*busts out tequila and margarita mix*

Feliz Cinco de Mayo everyone!

I'd gladly have one of them if your offering Prin icon_smile.gif

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Sure! *slides a blue lomin down the bar*

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Prin, make my margarita strawberry!

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*sends E4 over with a strawberry margarita*

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Om nom nom *drinks margarita*

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Grandma is here for graduation and we are having family margaritas! Gooooooood times!

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Always fun getting Grandma drunk!

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