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The Inebriation Station

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So, after some buttery nipples, 2 bin ladens and a rail vodka 7, I'm still sober -_- at least I think I've over my problem with metabolizing liquor...

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James the Defender

How the heck is a bin Laden made? Is it a Molotov Cocktail with a twist of lemon or something? :p

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Actually, it's Absolut Acai Berry, Sprite, and cranberry juice...who would have thought he was so delicious...

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I heard it was 2 shots and a splash

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Lol like that one...

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My brother said yesterday that if he was the SEAL that shot Bin Laden he'd be framing that rifle

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Bad furday

Actually, it's Absolut Acai Berry, Sprite, and cranberry juice...who would have thought he was so delicious...

I heard it was 2 shots and a splash

http://instantrimshot.com/index.php?sound=rimshot&play=true :D :rofl:

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James the Defender

I put on a batch of India Pale Ale with my Mr. Beer kit. In about a month or so, I will have fresh, never frozen beer! :D !

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James the Defender

My wife's innuendos are always spot-on! :D *drinks*

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James the Defender

My wife gave me one of the best compliments I've gotten in a long while! I was sitting in our room with three candles burning, listening to Baroque music, and drinking a glass of wine. My wife walks in and says, "You look so Medieval."

I know Baroque is past Medieval, but I loved the compliment! It was exactly the look for which I was going. :D

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Not a good start to the morning when the puppy knocks over your coffee with his cone (which he has no control over, thank god that comes off tomorrow) and then after I clean it up, spends 20 minutes licking coffee out of the carpet

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Caffeinated puppy!

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Radioactive Isotope

Poor Prin. I hope the hopped up puppy wasn't too terrible.

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He was a monster. And I was trying to study and do homework and my brother got home from work and do you think that he wanted to spend time with his own hopped up puppy?

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Against my better judgement, I'll be applying for the full time server position at work. Wish me luck.

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James the Defender

Against my better judgement, I'll be applying for the full time server position at work. Wish me luck.

Here's my quote for work. "Fortes fortuna adiuvat." Fortune favors the bold.

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It's just more of the fact I don't really want the job. But I kinda need to take it = \

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I'm making my first pot roast today

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I love doing freelance graphic design work ^ ^

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James the Defender

watched this dude kill "Flight of the Bumblebee" on the trumpet...then he played "Mexican Hat Dance"...in one breath... I was exhausted watching him...btw, I play the trumpet...I fashion myself as decent...but next to this guy...I'm crap...

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Bad furday

They have a new timecard swipe thingy at work...the company will spin in in their shareholder's meetings and intercompany magazine as "Fostering even closer relationships with our employeees!" but we all know...it's so they can see how long our breaks are running over, and keep track of how much money they (the high ups in corporate) are losing due to our reluctance to return to our futility. :p :mad:

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Becoming more and more like macy's every day... Next you'll all be wearing those tracking cuffs on your ankles and sleeping in shanty towns on the outskirts of the parking lot.

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Hmm... is taking three vacation days so I can watch the director's cut of the LOTR movies (with supposedly new footage that's never been seen before) in the theater worth it? :p

Because of course they're showing them on Tuesday nights. Which sucks.

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I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE when new restaurants/bars are opening at the mall and they invite all the stores to come up for a testing night. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it even more when the assistant store manager is buying rounds of drinks for everyone!

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Bad furday

We haven't had an Ayingel drunk post in quite some time! :p

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