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The Inebriation Station

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Bad furday

Puts his left paw in...pulls his left paw out...puts his left paw in...and shakes it all about. :p

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Doing the Wookiee Pookiee?

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Bad furday

*stops, looking around all shifty*


I was bored. :p

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Radioactive Isotope

We're taking Tag back to the shelter tomorrow. I talked to the behavior lady yesterday and she said anything they could do for him, they would. Here's hoping they can help him.

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:( So no more Tag?

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Radioactive Isotope

They can't help him. He's under bite quarantine through Wednesday, so Thursday we're putting him down. :cry:

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Poor Tag :( I'm sorry hun.

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Bad furday

Poor Tag! Poor Jm! :( :cry:

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:-( I'm sorry to hear that! Losing a dog for any reason is very hard.

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Awww, I'm sorry. Is it because he bit the neighbor?

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Radioactive Isotope

A combination of things. Saturday he got so over threshold that he took a swipe at Ziggy. And that was with Rob standing right there. Honestly, Rob was dang lucky he didn't get bit. And when we went to the humane society today, he growled at the receptionist. He's so reactive and his stress level would be so high in the shelter, they recommended putting him down.

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James the Defender

:( :cry: What kind of dog is he?

Edited by James the Defender

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Radioactive Isotope

Some kind of mutt. The humane society thought coonhound/beagle, I think he looks more like an American Foxhound and my vet thinks he's got some shepherd in him.

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hangovooer 2 gopsd drnuk. gnigt.

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Uhh. Hangover 2 -something- drunk. Goodnight. I can't translate that one word. Anyone have any ideas?

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I've awoken in this half buzzed, half hungover state.

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Somehow, I'm not surprised

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Meh, the hangover I had this morning aside, it was a good night last night. I haven't gone out like that in almost a year.

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James the Defender

I'm now working in the field of ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug) abuse prevention. So, now on top of religious persuasions about drugs, I also have work related persuasions, lol.

I'm not saying anything about you, Ayingel, lol

Edited by James the Defender

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Well then, thank you for wasting 30 seconds of my life reading that post

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Happy Memorial Day everyone! Celebrating by watching the SW marathon on TV and studying

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I'm "celebrating" by working -_-

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James the Defender

Well then, thank you for wasting 30 seconds of my life reading that post

By declining a personal feelings comment, I thought I was going to keep myself from ostracism. If I had commented and put my feelings out there, I would be put down for that, too. Can't win. Story of my life.

I'm "celebrating" by working -_-

I used to work every holiday other than those that fell on Sunday. They were all time and a half for me. I loved it. Christmas was double time.

Now, I'm off today and getting paid straight time for it. I'm still not sure which is better....

Edited by James the Defender

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