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The Inebriation Station

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Uncle Du

*scratches head*

Dunno what's goin' on in here. :p

FIrst 3-day, holiday weekend I've had off since I've worked this job! And of course I feel like sith. Ah well.

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Bad furday

Poor old Uncle Du!

*hold out wine bottle*

Have some wine. It's just after noon here, and I'm having wine. :p

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Uncle Du

Ugh, I can't eat or drink anything! Throats killing me.

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Bad furday


Prinny? Bring the wine I.V. ! :p

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Popsicles are the best for that

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Uncle Du

I've been eatin' em like crazy.

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Also Jello!

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I see you there, Furdayyyy.....

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Bad furday

*emerges from a dark corner*

I stayed logged in all day, to see what would happen. :p

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I hate effing up my mornings at the gym. I didn't eat enough and I now feel like crap -_-

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James the Defender

I've been eatin' em like crazy.

Try Piña Colada!! :p

Edited by James the Defender

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Might I just say... old people are crazy.

*knocks back a shot of tequila*

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No, just people in general are crazy. Morons, too.

Or at least just the ones who seem to have forgotten their shapes. Like the guy I almost T-boned last night on the way home from work. I had a green arrow to turn left. So did traffic from the other way, but this guy was going straight through, and apparently thought just seeing green in general was his shot to go through the intersection right into my path.

Green arrows are NOT green circles.

The sad thing is this isn't the first time it's happened to me.

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Sounds like the guy who flipped me off after I stopped at an amber/(yellow) light

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Jake Durron

I was a big user of the bird while people were honking at me and the hillbillymobile on the interstate yesterday.

I'm sorry I'm not going 80 with my back bumper almost on the ground and sith strapped to my roof... you're lucky I'm going 72.

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My philosophy is, if there is room to pass me, then do it! Especially if I'm already speeding.

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All this reminds me... I was conducting a phone interview yesterday and the woman I was interviewing was apparently driving. She could not control herself enough to resist stopping our conversation to quite literally yell and cuss out some guy on the road.

Um, yeah. She didn't get the job.

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I would imagine not.

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James the Defender

Dad goes under the knife tomorrow for eight hours. When he emerges, his back shall be repaired to the best of Dr. Strauss' ability and hopefully he'll be able to walk well again and be in FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR less pain. Here goes nothin'! :|

Edited by James the Defender

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Bad furday

*goes behind the bar, and makes a pot of coffee* :D



*sip :p

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*fills a BIG mug half-way with kahlua and holds it up for Furday to fill with coffee*

Boy this sounds good...

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Bad furday

*pours* Happy drunk morning time!

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*nods her thanks, adds some creamer, and takes a gulp* Mmm yup. Gotta love mixing alcohol and caffiene before noon.

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I want some. But maybe throw an Ewok in for good measure

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*tosses a fresh ewok in the blender, locks the lid against its struggles, and hits the pulse button* :D

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