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Bad furday

*pours for Prinny*

*mixes in Powdered Ewok* :D

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Oh. Hmm. What to do with him? *shrugs and pours the puree into a freezer container, carefully straining out the bone fragments. Seals it and puts it in the freezer*

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Bad furday

heh...didn't know you were blending a live one!

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That's because I'm obviously faster than you :p

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Bad furday

*types slowly....like a senile old man* :p

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*steals his cane and runs away*

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Thanks guys

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Bad furday

*totters about and sinks into a booth* :p

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Jake Durron

*drags self in*

heeeelp young nieces and no sleep!

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*runs up to Kia, still holding Furday's cane* Here! Hit them with this!

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Jake Durron

oh... I have one... I have two actually...

*takes third and starts twirling them.*

I can has a Endorian Speederbomb?

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No but you can has AN Endorian speederbomb. :p

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Jake Durron

Y'all leave Jake an' his bad grammar be!

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Oh hey! I just realized it's friday! Woohoo! Promised to come in to work on Saturday... :( Oh well, just a few hours.

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Jake Durron

:hehe: Jen's and mine RP has ruined me for life

friggin cajunese

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Speaking of stories, did you try that link I sent you last night? I uploaded ours to a google doc so we can collaborate.

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Jake Durron

I forgot... I'll go tonight

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Oh good.

So I went into my old personal hell this evening (Macys) for the first time since I quit. It was soooo nice not to walk in there and have a panic attack. I'm healed!!! *buys the bar a round of drinks*

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Jake Durron

ooh ooh ooh ooh Have what I'm driking right nwo!!!!

itsa everclear margarita!!!!! 2 shots to 1 ounce of sweetnsaor!!!

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Are you sure you got those proportions right???

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Bad furday

I don't think she did. :p Kia i've thought of a difficulty for the meetup on Sunday- there's bridge construction ( the bridges are gone now!) and while I don't think it'll interferre ( you'd be getting there after 1 pm I'm guessing- traffic may or may not be backed up) it could make things tedious. I've got an idea for an alternate route ( passing one exit and taking another) on 81 North- I'll show you tomorrow on FB messenger or something when you're sober :p

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Good idea Furday

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I think she may have passed out or something...

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Jake Durron

nope I'm here!!!

an pod I got the mesausremenys right! I just started my second one... no finished mysecond oneI want a third one!

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Okay you might officially be at risk for alcohol poisoning. Be careful!

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