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The Inebriation Station

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Jake Durron

I would have... and then maybe Jen and then I would try to white pages Andy

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Oh and Kia, don't you remember that when you've been drinking you're supposed to drink a bottle of water and take 2 advil before you pass out to fend off the hangover?

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Jake Durron


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NSAIDS make you more dehydrated. Water. water water water water is the only thing that helps.

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Jake Durron


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Jake Durron

*sneaks behind the bar and makes a round of everclear margaritas* COME ON PEOPLE STOP LURKING!

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Did someone say drinks?

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Jake Durron

This is what made me crazy drunk text all over the boards last night! *hands a margarita*

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Always a fun thing to do, nothing better then drunk posting! *thanks for the drink*

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Jake Durron

of course! I'm the crazy one! just so you know...

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Thanks for the heads up, but I thought that we all are a lil crazy for that is why we are here

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Jake Durron

Yeah... but...


Ask around sometime, I'm sure they'll have stories to tell.

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I shall, nothing like crazy story

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Jake Durron

Well there's been a few of them floating around... I think I'm gonna have to do something drastic to get these people to stop lurking.

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Sin, she makes the rest of us look *whispers* normal

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...I think it's a miracle. I have found a real beer that I actually like.

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And what beer is that?

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Bud Light Lime, actually.

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Love that stuff, the lime gives it's something different in a good way

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Anakin Solo - Potted Plant

So I heard something about free booze?

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Yeah, I was a little hesitant after my experience with Sapporo yesterday, but I was pleasantly surprised.

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It's always good to be surprised, I been drinking patron mixed with dr.pepper tonight

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You should try limon in Dr Pepper...It tastes like bubblegum...

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Oh, I shall try that tomorrow, it sounds yummy! This one was bubblegum

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Jake Durron

back on the everclear!

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