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The Inebriation Station

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Stingy funness. :) That's why Cali's beaches rule! :)

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Yes the Cali beaches are much better

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Have you guys decided which coast to move to yet?

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Hiya! Have the lakes thawed out yet?

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Yup, it's pushing 90 again today

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He is moving here next Aug and hey Prin

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Just till the wedding then after we are married it's off to the west coast

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Yay! Cali is only really good for visiting or living a single life without kids. :)

90? I think I remember that kinda heat. ;)

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Is he crazy or is his family offering free childcare? ;)

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Are you sure you can remember that kind of heat for it's been ages for you...right?

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Um both, you should know that

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haha! :p 4 years. The only time I really missed it was last winter. I was soooo up for a trip to LA, until I heard the fam there was all sick. :)

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Yay! Cali is only really good for visiting or living a single life without kids. :)

90? I think I remember that kinda heat. ;)

There's a nice breeze today too

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It's almost worth it for the free childcare. But Cali is a really hard place to raise kids. Way too much drug culture.

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Be back later off to visits grandma

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There's a nice breeze today too

So I'm guessing you've got a really great tanlineless tan going on then. ;p

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Cya sin! Have fun at gran's! :)

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There's a nice breeze today too

So I'm guessing you've got a really great tanlineless tan going on then. ;p

I don't tan, so I'm not willing to risk sunburn in those spots

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Bad furday

*screams* Mir's here!!!1! :D :p

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Jake Durron


*Is sitting opposite Fuzzy in a starbucks in Vestal, barely talking to him as we both post on gb :rofl: *

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Oh yeah Furday, Kia got lost :p

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I am back

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Bad furday

Kia told me :p

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Jake Durron

:roll: gee prin... great timing!

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