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The Inebriation Station

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Did you decide to go to Rochester?

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Nope I went to the bar because it was closer and cheaper lol...

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Bad furday

*comes back in, still talking loudly*

We walked to this joint called The Mosquito Lounge- and apparently it was bike nite, so not only were there many motorcycles there, there was a band that played classic rock too too loudly. I think I've been deafened!....Those biker girls dance reeeeal nice! ;)

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Today is a good day to die!


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Bad furday

*goes behind the bar and makes coffee* :)

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Uncle Du

Bars are getting hit in the shutdown, too.

How the hell do bars get shut down during a friggin government shut down?! That's lame as hell!

We walked to this joint called The Mosquito Lounge- and apparently it was bike nite, so not only were there many motorcycles there, there was a band that played classic rock too too loudly. I think I've been deafened!....Those biker girls dance reeeeal nice! ;)

Yea, and they're generally pretty "easy". :p

Today is a good day to die!


Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!

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kotoba ga wakarimasuka? Watashi wa klingon ga dekimasen. Bakabakashii desu! Eigo desu...sukoshi nihongo.

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Bars are getting hit in the shutdown, too.

How the hell do bars get shut down during a friggin government shut down?! That's lame as hell!

License paperwork that's due during the shutdown or right before can't get processed. But the shutdown is over.

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And I can definitely tell that I was the sober cab tonight. Two drinks of the week and two shots and I'm just fine -_-

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My brohts'ers going away party is awesome. I'm on the 5th mikes hader lemoneade. I won a game of beer opng too

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You won or lost? Lol...So the party ended up being okay?

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From the posts I think the party is going great. :p

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We won. BUt it was a very aclose game,. Paryyuis lots of fun. Blakckmeail pics on bfacebook tpomrooww

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Bad furday

Just look at those drunk posts! :D

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If only more people would have been online :p

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Your post in PH were worse,prin

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Uncle Du

And you were all mad about him having a party too... ;)

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Jake Durron


:party: :party: :cheers:


In dealing with my irritating parents today, I finally tracked down my fafsa pin and found my student loans... I'M NOT AS IN DEBTS AS I THOUGHTS I WAS!!!

Turns out I have two outstanding loans, one my dad is obligated by the courts to pay and one for me *instead of four like I thought* turns out the others were actually grants! So I only owe 1300 dollars in student loans, 300 for a signature loan with advance financial in TN, then one defaulted credit card *it's been like three years, I'm hoping to settle it for like a third of what I owe* and 2 checking accounts that will total 200 bucks!

overall... including the FULL amount of that credit card? 4400 dollars and Its probably going to end up being more like 3k!!!!

Seeing I was 15000 in debt three years ago HALLEewokINGLUJAH!!!!!!!

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Bad furday




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And you were all mad about him having a party too... ;)

I just took your advice m'dear

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Jake Durron

okay question... because I don't trust a damn thing my stupid roommates say... if on your credit report, something has been written off as a bad debt... does that mean they gave up *cause it's been exactly four years* or does it mean I still owe it and it just makes it worse?

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You still owe it and they've turned it over to a collection agency for nonpayment

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Jake Durron

oh no... I mean they did the collection agencies... unlike most coughstupidcough people I didn't answer the calls... I haven't gotten mail or calls for it in months! ... as far as I know.

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You still owe it

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