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Reasonable Bad Guys

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I was watching the movie “Happy Gilmore” the other day and I couldn’t help but think if Shooter was just a little more reasonable at the end things wouldn’t have ended quite so badly for him. It got me to wondering if he was the only one being reasonable would work for. So I figured I’d start this thread making a game out of it and see what we can come up with (and get a few cheep laughs along the way). Here is how it works: You say the movie. Explain the scene. And tell us all what might have happened if the bad guy was a little more reasonable. I’ll go first to show you how it is done.

Movie: Happy Gilmore

Scene: At the end just after Happy gets hit by the car and Shooter is trying to get him to quit playing.

“Now Happy you shouldn’t take a chance with your health like this.” said Shooter “Tell you what, you quit now and I’ll call our bet in you favor. You get your grandma’s house back and you stay on the tour. I’ll go on to win the gold jacket this year and we can meet up next year to settle this thing between us. What do you say?”

“Wow, that is totally reasonable of you. I’d be an idiot to turn that down. Ok, you got a deal Shooter.” said Happy.

Shooter did go on to win the jacket he had wanted all his life that day. But more then that the fact that some of the crowd over heard him earned him a “Nice Guy” reputation that day. Shooter turn that rep into a bunch of endorsement deals that made him very very rich. And even though he ended up losing to Happy the next year (and every year after) he went to bed every night on a large pile of money with many beautiful women. The End.

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:lol: I can't think of any irrational bad guys! It wouldn't be a movie if they were normal...

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Bad furday

I was disappointed that the movie Shooter wasn't about Shooter McGavin :p

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Megatron in Transformers

ewok my phone this is a spoiler and I can't do the ewoking code.

"Hey guys, I just need some help fixing my planet. Any way you can help out?"

edit: Kay, I was able to edit it this morning. That was seriously frustrating, though...

Edited by Ayingel

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