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Malcolm Tierney dies aged 75

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English actor Malcolm Tierney who played an Imperial officer on the Death Star in the original Star Wars movie has passed away aged 75.In Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Lieutenant Shann Childsen was immortalised with the words "Where are you taking this... thing?" as Han Solo and Luke Skywalker attempted to gain access to detention block AA-23 on board the Death Star.

Any contribution to Star Wars, no matter how small, is sure to resonate with fans around the world, and we are sad to report that Malcolm Tierney, who portrayed the character, has passed away aged 75. Tierney had many roles in British and international television and movies, and can also be seen in the 1986 Doctor Who serial Trial of a Time Lord, and on the big screen in Braveheart.

Rest in peace Malcolm Tierney, 25 February 1938 - 19 February 2014.

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