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The 'Delete Something From Canon' Game

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So basically, just say something that happens in SW canon (EU or not), and then the next person responds with an unexpected consequence of that person/event/whatevers removal.

Then you get to post your own, yay!

I'll start with...

I delete Jar Jar Binks.

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Palpatine doesn't get his emergency powers.


The Empire listened when that AT-AT commander told them about the flaw in the walker's design (trippable legs).

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Radioactive Isotope

The Death Star never got destroyed because the engineers also found that open exhaust port. Yavin 4 went boom. No more Rebel Alliance.



Qui-Gon lived to train Anakin Skywalker

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Oops, beat me to it. Stupid phone.

Edited by Andy

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Anakin still became a douche but only fought Qui-Gon instead of Obi-Wan in a far less thrilling lightsaber fight (because Obi-Wan is flashier).


Anakin Solo doesn't die.

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After the war, he and his siblings form a punk band.. ;)

Chewbacca isn't a wookiee; he's an ewok.

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Han Solo's copilot is actually Lando, not Chewbacca, because Chewie's feet can't reach the floor. And Lando talks Han into not coming back to save Luke during the Death Star run. Darth Vader kills Luke. The Empire rules forever.



R2-D2's memory is wiped along with C-3P0's.

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R2 doesn't see why he should risk his own life to take the Death Star plans to Obi-Wan Kenobi, and stays aboard the Tantive IV. Eventually he ends up on the Death Star anyway, and once the Empire destroys the Rebel Alliance and the civil war is over, Artoo uses the plans to make his name as an architect when he refurbishes the Death Star into a giant care home and spa for elderly galactic residents, known as the Death Spa.



Chancellor Valorum turns out to be quite sympathetic to the Naboo, and Amidala doesn't move for a vote of no confidence.

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The Trade Federation is slapped with sanctions and they go flat broke. Darth Sidious doesn't give a damn, and continues to bully them into taking over Naboo. Amidala let her guard down, believing that a military-less Republic can enforce its own resolutions, and doesn't go back to get help from the Gungans. Everyone dies except for Jar Jar, who Sidious, through the Trade Federation, appoints as governor of the planet.




The Ewoks in RotJ turn out to be less cuddly and more like the rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

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With the ewoks being too dangerous, the Empire decides to build the shield generally inside the Death Star, like normal people. The new Death Star is now an unstoppable force that the Alliance fail to destroy.

Padme lives.

Edited by Andy

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After delivering Luke and Leia, Obi-Wan tells her that Anakin is dead. Devastated by this, she takes the twins and goes to Alderaan to live with her friend Bail Organa. 19 years later, Tarkin still finds a reason to use the Death Star on Alderaan, and they all blow up.



Jabba the Hutt survives his strangulation.

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(I just rediscovered this thread. I think we can safely say Disney won this game. :p)

After our heroes escape from Jabba, he puts a price on their heads so large that they have to be relegated to desk jobs in the Alliance for theirs own safety. Consequently, the rebels fail to destroy the second Death Star.


Kylo Ren hates his grandfather.

Edited by Andy

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Ben's hatred of Darth Vader grows so much that he still falls to the dark side, slaughters Luke's students and becomes Kylo Ren of the Knights of Ren. He is now so far gone that he can never been redeemed. And he still kills Han, his father, for trying. And kills his mother. And his uncle Luke. And a bunch of other Resistance and New Republic members.


And lives alone forever.




Poe Dameron dies when the TIE crashes into Jakku.

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