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Live action TV series back in production?

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The Star Wars live action television series, which has been stuck in development hell for years is reportedly in the casting phase.First announced by George Lucas in 2005, the Star Wars live action series was highly anticipated by fans who were, at the time, still waiting for Revenge of the Sith to hit the big screen. Since then it has been reported to be at varies stages of production and at one point was said to have 50 episodes already written.

Now it seems that Disney are looking to cast a live action Star Wars project separate to the series of movies. It is unlikely that this is the same series that was originally announced, as it has been rumored that this is for a mini-series or television specials.

This type of project does seem like the type of thing Disney would venture into in order to capitalise on their new reign over the Star Wars franchise, having recently created a live action television series for their Marvel universe too, Agents of SHIELD.

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Wonder if it would still be in the same time period originally stated, considering the Rebels animated series is already slated in the between 3 and 4 era.

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