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VII already shooting, casting nearly complete

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Disney boss confirms that shooting for Star Wars Episode VII has already begun, and the casting process is almost complete.During an interview for The Hollywood Reporter, Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn confirmed that shooting has begun for the latest episode of the Star Wars saga, and that while casting was not completely finished the main actors are all in place.

Horn did not disclose any of the cast members but he did acknowledge the screen-writing problems the movie suffered last year and said that the screenplay, co-written by JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan based on an early draft by Michael Arndt, was right where it needed to be.

He also reiterated the previously stated release date of December 2015, and said that the movie would pick up 35 years after Return of the Jedi, which would seem to clash with a previous statement that pinned Episode VII at 30 years post-RotJ.

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