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Improvements Feedback & Suggestions

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Thought I'd start up a thread for feedback and suggestions for the news site and forums.


I've made a few changes over the last couple of days to the style on the Latest News and news category pages.

Most notable of these changes is probably the category menu itself.


These changes haven't been fully tested for browser compatibility but should be fine any any up to date web browser.

So if it looks wrong to you, let me know (along with what web browser and operating system you're viewing it with)!



Also, I know there are some sneaky elements hiding around that didn't get stylised yet, so if you spot any let me know!


All other design suggestions are welcome, too. :) 

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There seems to have been some gremlins sneaking in, and when posting a new article on the homepage it produces a database error and while it posts a topic in the forum it doesn't update the forum index to show the new topic.

Also, replies to the topic do not seem to get added as comments on the article.


I haven't fully investigated this issue so please be aware that there may be funky things going on in regards to the way frontpage articles and forum threads are linked together.



This issue now appears to be resolved.

Edited by Andy
issue resolved

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