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That would be entertaining.

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Wait...Furday's gone...and beeurd

Yep. We are currently without our Commander or our Emporer. You know what that means?




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That reminds me, must change sig.

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Wait...Furday's gone...and beeurd

Yep. We are currently without our Commander or our Emporer. You know what that means?





You think you you could get away with having a party without me?

You fools. You have much to learn...

But I'm too hot right now to teach you

** melts **

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*shakes head* If there's one thing you Brits have a hard time grasping it's climate changes. It's Miami! If Hell were to freeze over tonight, Miami would be the first American city to feel it.

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huh? Run that one by me again, but with the hlp files enabled. Miami is a hot place. Britain is a cold place. Go figure.

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Texas is miserable right about now

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Iowa has been pretty nice lately, only in the mid 70's.

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Here, its been verything from 70 up to 90, it's been beautifully sunny one day, and pouring with monsoon style rain for the next 5... Well, that's british summer for you...

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summer? what is thing you speak of? Here, SF, CA, we range from 50s to late 70s, rarely hotter. but it's always windy and foggy. always, except, of course, the rare bit of sun (which always happens during PE)

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It's humid down here. It hasn't been until we got that flood a couple weeks ago.

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Well, we're finally out of 90 degree weather here!

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rub it in

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If it helps, we're in the low 70s. But it rained all night.

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it's ok right now but it is only 9

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I feel so cold. it's 57 here now

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I hated when we went to CA. It was cold... the entire time we were freezing

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that's mostly coast. but yeah, people come here now with shorts and sandles...imagine there surprise

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I hate North Georgia's weather.

Winter: cold, rainy, gray, dreary, cloudy, windy. We rarely get snow, when we do, it's never enough to do anything with. It's just enough to make people go apesith, forget all the traffic laws, and allow the news broadcasts to have round the clock telecasts where they say the same things.

Summer: hot (90-100 degrees), really humid, mosquitos, smog, haze. It hardly ever rains. When it does, it's always huge thunderstorms that fizzle out after twenty minutes. It never breaks our endless droughts. It only makes it more humid and knocks out the power so you can roast in the hot Georgia heat while Georgia Power takes their time.

Spring: Starts off like winter and ends like summer. We also have a pollen season from Hell. On the national pollen scale, unhealthy starts at about 120. On a good day, North Georgia is in the 2000 range. Literally everything is coated with layers of yellow dust.

Fall: Starts off like summer and ends like winter. The only nice time is during "Indian Summer" when it's warm but not hot and the leaves start to change colors.

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Ah. so these are those 'season' things they tell me about

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lol that would be them

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lol.. No seasons?

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I'm determined to live someplace warm year round

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I prefer cold all year... but then, I like this fog. My dad syas move to the Bahamas whenever my mom complains, but he wants to do that because there's no income tax

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