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Build your own lightsaber with Hasbro

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Hasbro's latest line of Star Wars toys lets kids customize their own lightsaber by collecting interconnecting parts.For years, plastic toy lightsabers have been available, but Hasbro's new lightsaber system - Bladebuilders - due to launch later this year allows kids (or big kids!) to create a lightsaber of their own design. Different hilts, blades, and connecting parts are available to mix and match for a unique weapon from a more civilized age.

The starter pack is said to contain a lightsaber with light and sound, two daggers, an expansion hilt, and several connectors so that you can get started with your custom design right away.

Bladebuilders will be on display at the American International Toy Fair in New York this weekend.

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Sounds much cooler than make-your-own-lightsaber set my dad got at a thift store last year, haha.

Edited by Mara

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