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New rumors of live-action TV series surface

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New rumors have surfaced suggesting that the Star Wars live action television show is not yet dead. Details are still absent from these new rumors, but it is believed that Disney intend to produce a series to keep fans occupied in between movies, in a similar manner to Marvel's Agents of SHEILD.

According to these latest rumours, the show would feature previously established characters from outside the main movies of the Star Wars saga, and would likely be produced for Disney's ABC television network.

It's best to take this information with a gargantuan serving of salt, as it has now been a full ten years since we were originally teased by George Lucas about the show being in the works in 2005. Last year it was reported that the show had entered the casting phase, but a lack of further casting rumors since then seem to indicate that this was not the case.

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Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. If true, EXCITE.



Originally I thought it was supposed to be a between 3 and 4... but then the cartoon Rebels took that over.  Which I suppose it could still be, depending on which "established characters" they would go with. But it's probably more likely it'd be more in tune with the era of TFA, I'd think.




But anyway... SQUEE.

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