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Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion

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There are some new images floating around...



I'm not sure what to think now, to be honest. The porgs are kinda cute, but then the praetorian guards look like plastic action figures, and the caretaker monks look like they've come out of a comedy.

Maybe it's just me, I don't know.

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Yeah, I've been reading on some of the stuff from the new EW magazine.  Some is interesting, but some I just have to wait and see lol.


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Saw something today where John Boyega reported confirmed Last Jedi cameos:   Prince William and Harry, and Tom Hardy.

Seems likely all will be hidden as stormtroopers.

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I heard about the Princes, and had assumed they would be hidden as stormtroopers. I think there was a news report a while ago about them visiting the sets. Hidden cameos are annoying. :p

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So, we were told not to watch it because of potential spoilers, but whatever!



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They could have showed it not during the last minutes of The Gifted.  I missed the first part of it.

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Such an amazing trailer. I've watched it a bunch of times, haha.  (And I bought my tickets too! :D)


I cannot wait for this film.


Though, I do have to say one thing... and maybe it is just me being... me (:p)  but I am not exactly super on-board with the idea that it presents that Rey might be stronger than Luke. 'Cause, yeah. Mara no likey. :p


Also, I wonder why they didn't show anything from the Canto Bight scenes... either too spoilery, or more likely, too 'bright and happy'? haha

But otherwise, great trailer! With lots of tricksy editing!

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So the other day Rian Johnson confirmed that Last Jedi has a run-time of 150 minutes. Making it the longest Star Wars film. (AOTC was previously the longest).



One month to go! :D:D

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There are a bunch of new TV spots on YouTube now, I'm getting a bit hyped now. :p

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I was hyped since I saw the credits for Force Awakens.* :p







*slight exaggeration

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Friendly reminder to use the spoiler tags!


Just got back from seeing it. So much to say, but so tired. Will have to collect my thoughts tomorrow!

In short though I really enjoyed it! :D

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Ugh, I have to wait till tomorrow/today/Thursday. :p

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Oh, man, this was so amazing.

Spoiler tag time!


There is one thing that kind of pissed me off though. Will get to that later. :p

This movie was basically like one big space battle, effectively... and I loved it!
Definitely action-packed, but with some great jokes thrown in here and there. So great. Can't wait for 9.

A few takeaways:

Disappointed Snoke was defeated so easily. I mean, I thought he'd be around yet for the 9th episode. But I guess that will be able defeating the new Supreme Leader: Kylo. (Do we think they'll have to kill him in 9, or he can still be redeemed? Hmm.)

Same could be said for Captain Phasma... she kind of got the shaft again. Unless she somehow survived?? Hmm.

Vice Admiral Holdo sacrificing herself by lightspeeding into the First Order ship was pretty badass, and sad. (Were some cheers in the theater at that scene).

Wish we had gotten more Artoo and Chewie, but I guess BB is taking Artoo's spotlight, and without Han, Chewie is a bit lost, scene-wise.

Yoda! What else to say?

Leia using the Force?!

Maybe I missed it, and I definitely will be going again, but when Luke finally relented to teach Rey (sort of), he mentioned three lessons... but I think we only the first two before Rey flew off to confront Kylo?

Kylo/Rey duel against the Praetorians had a couple cool badass moments, like whoa.

(Also, side note: Did anyone else feel some sexual tension between the two during their little Snoke-enabled Force conversations? Like, weird and gross, okay).

And ah! Rey is not a Solo! Not a Skywalker! A nobody! YES! (Anything else would have been too obvious, and a  huge disappointment, in my opinion). Time to start a new saga dynasty perhaps? Anakin was basically a nobody, a slave... even if half of his parentage was the Force. So now we have Rey, another nobody with no connection to anything.


Now for the pissed off moment:

Okay, so I had been thinking/hoping that Luke would at least last through to the end of the trilogy. Maybe not consciously thinking it. So that scene* surprised me I suppose, and yes, kind of pissed me off lol. While it would have to happen eventually (passing the torch and all that), I did not want it to happen yet.  He better damn well show up in 9 as a Force ghost, or.... UGH. I don't know what I'll do. I like Rey and Finn and Poe enough, but a movie without Luke...  I just... UGH.  Was sweet that he got to see twin suns once again though.

(Side note: Though it makes me wonder about 9: 7 was all about Han, and he died... 8 was all about Luke, and he died... if circumstances had been different, since 9 was originally going to be about Leia, would she have died? Hmm.)


*But can we say just how awesome that scene was??!! (Lots of cheers here!) Projecting himself across the galaxy and fighting Kylo?!?! So hot.  And he definitely looked better with the trimmed beard and darker hair. More like the Luke I remember from ROTJ.

I do have to admit that at first when I saw him appear in the cave on Crait, I thought it was the real deal. Like that he had changed his mind so much that he got his X-wing out of the ocean and flew there. But then when he pulled out the blue saber, I was like...what's going on? lol The real scene is definitely better, despite the ending of it.



I'll stop there. Still absorbing a lot of this. And I think my anger is turning into sadness.



Also, apparently my sister and I were not the only ones to think this:

Edited by Mara

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There was an audible gasp in the theatre when 


Admiral Holda jumped to hyperspace right through the First Order fleet.


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On 12/20/2017 at 2:39 PM, TheUnknown said:

There was an audible gasp in the theatre when 

  Reveal hidden contents

Admiral Holda jumped to hyperspace right through the First Order fleet.


At mine, it was more of a cheer lol. Probably more for coolness than anything else.


But there were quite a few moments that got cheers.

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I got goosebumps 



During the scene with Luke and Rey looking into the sunset.  

I was also surprised 


when Luke died and when they destroyed the bridge to the rebel starship, killing everyone by Leia.


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Did you hear about the cinema chains that has been putting up warnings about the scene where the audio goes silent for a few seconds because people complained thinking it was a technical error. :|

Edited by Andy

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No, I hadn't heard that but it makes sense.  

Other Random Thoughts:

Fathiers and Vulptexes are so cute.



Han then Luke then of course Leia.  I wonder how Episode IX would have been had Carrie Fisher not died.

Where the ewok is Lando?


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Yeah, I've not really heard a proper reason for why Lando isn't around. Hmm.

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All I've read is that Rian considered adding him, but it just didn't make sense for the story.

I guess he thought of putting him in the scene with DJ (or instead of?), but didn't think it (OBVIOUSLY!) made sense for Lando to betray them all.


I'm hoping they find a space for him in 9. Even if just a cameo.



Also is anyone else completely saddened by all the negative reactions? Because it's killing me to see people talking about Star Wars this way. :/

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Very saddened. You don't have to love it, but "Star Wars is ruined"? People are being more dramatic than Anakin.

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Bad furday

I'm just thrilled with how The Last Jedi turned out!  The way I see it, Force Awakens and Last Jedi are a mini duology, and then Episode 9 will be its own thing, a self made story....like how...


....when Rey jumped into the pit and saw the mirror selves and we see that no one is behind her, no one helped pull any strings, Rey is a self made hero.


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Oh but, that makes Rey a Mary Sue! Oh the horror, there has never been such a thing in Star Wars before.

Both Anakin and Luke had to endure years of training to become powerful in the Force.


I don't know why people can't just enjoy things these days! I love Star Wars, but I am aware that it isn't and never has been perfect... but that's okay. :)

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So I went to see the new Star Wars movie today – cos I hate spoilers but I’m on the internet all the time. So NO SPOILERS here.

I was underwhelmed, which is a shame because I like director Rian Johnson’s work a lot. ‘Brick’ is a fantastic movie and Looper has a lot of good ideas even if it doesn’t quite hold completely together.

This is the longest ever Star Wars movie, and yet it probably has the least plot. So it drags at times. The pacing is really off. I just feel it could’ve been so much better.

There are some good moments, in fact some really strong, exciting moments, but not enough. I’d say Rogue One was a better Star Wars movie, even though it has its flaws. At least in that movie there was a plot.

But there was no Death Star in this one. For that we can be thankful.



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And telling us we cannot be real fans if we liked it? I say, if you hated it, you're not a real fan. :p

I'm trying to avoid all the negative comments, but it's hard sometimes.


Honestly it's kind of refreshing that this one kind of took a few risks outside the box.

Edited by Mara

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