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GB Updates: Spring 2016

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It's Easter weekend, and what better time a for a spring clean. You may have noticed some of the changes as they appeared, but here's a summary of what's changed so far this year.


Updates now live

  • A Star Wars "Media Library" has been added for reviews and information about publications.
  • Star Wars Timeline has been tweaked. Rather than contain full information itself, it will link through to the Media Library.
  • Media Library allows visitors to rate and leave their own reviews.
  • Font changes using Google Fonts: Body text is "Open Sans", page header is "Marcellus".
  • Notification area popup colours have been tweaked to fit with the theme. 
  • Android/Windows/Apple mobile browsers now change colour to fit the theme (where supported by the browser/OS).
  • Removed the instant messenger usernames section of member profiles, because we don't really need to know each other's ICQ numbers in the 21st century.
  • Added silly warning pop up for EU cookie law for people who don't know that cookies are all over the internet.
  • Tweaked colours of tags... The orange was getting too much.


Updates planned

  • Further tweaks to Timeline and Library sections, potentially to allow users to add/edit content wiki-style.
  • Revist the Calendars - I'm not sure I like the separated lists, and it's a pain to maintain.
  • Find a way to add forum activity, timeline entries, calendar events, and media library entries to the front page.
  • Review display of news articles
Edited by Andy

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