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Updates 2017 #1

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I've been doing a bunch of background improvements to GB which should mean a more reliable and secure connection to the site, and have been working on a few features.


Star Wars Canon Timeline

I have separated the canon timeline from the Legends timeline. As usual it isn't complete, but I am happy with the results so far and it should still look great on mobiles.

I will continue to add items to it as I get chance, and I'm still not certain how to handle individual TV episodes.

Check it out here: https://www.galacticbasic.net/star-wars-canon-timeline

I'll update the legends timeline soon, since it isn't growing any larger now. :(



A little while ago I enabled a site-wide security certificate on GB, meaning that all data between your browser and the server is encrypted. You might have noticed the padlock icon in your address bar already.

A caveat of this is that some older posts with embedded images will now be unable to display the image if it isn't available by a secure method. New posts with unsecure images will be automatically upgraded though.


Static resource improvements

Previously, every file and image would generate a cookie, even if it didn't need one. I've moved all static resources to a cookieless subdomain, which should be better for performance. Probably not a major one, but every little helps!

Edited by Andy
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I know the canon timeline on Wookieepedia lists episodes separately as well, if you need that for 'inspiration'.


Keep up the good work! :)

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Yeah, I have seen that. I'm not sure whether individual episodes will make it too cluttered. Hmmm...

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