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Timeline discussion and feedback

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This is the discussion and feedback thread for the Star Wars Timeline.

If you spot any mistakes or omissions, or have any other suggestions for us, this is the place!

Edited by Andy

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Radioactive Isotope

Looks amazing so far, B.

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I plan on changing the style of the listings, but the default seems to be doing the job for now.

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I wonder if it would be possible to note overlaps?  I know the climax of the NJO gets complicated:


* Dark Journey and Rebel Dream overlap heavily

* The last moments of Star by Star overlap with either Dark Journey or Rebel Dream (can't remember which or possibly both)

* Traitor overlaps Dark Journey, Rebel Stand, and Rebel Dream

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Yeah, I've not come up with a good way to mark overlapping stories or ones that occur in different times, such as Crosscurrent.

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As far as I know, I've added everything to these categories:


Before the Republic

Old Republic

New Jedi Order




So yeah, just the important eras left to do!

The entries aren't all fully complete, but I can go back over them easy enough when everything is on there.

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Just so you know, the New Republic Era, is still empty.

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Yeah, it's just taking a while to organise some of the list. The site was down for a while due to relocating the server so I couldnt work on it.

Hopefully won't be much longer! :)

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I can't wait to see it when it is done.

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( Breaking the auto post-merge )

Edited by Andy

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My current dilemma is how to handle multi-part entries, like comic or television series.

At the moment I have linked the entry on the timeline to the first episode/issue and then added a next/previous link to navigate between episodes, but I wonder if it would be better to create a "parent" item that then links to all the individual episodes.

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Okay, so apparently the New Republic era section is still empty. :|

I'll add it back to my to-do list.

Edited by Andy

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I think I've figured it out. I've only updated the first two comics in the timeline so far. Basically the link in the main timeline goes to an overview page which then links to the individual issues/episodes which are hidden from the main timeline view themselves.

It seem to work for the comics, but I'll find out soon if it also works for TV series. :p

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For organisational reasons I've made the timeline one section again with subcategories, that link through to a separate database that holds all the data.

This mainly makes sense for behind the scenes reasons, but a few things might be a bit odd until I check through everything.

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Updating the timeline is such a headache. Especially when you get to multiple versions of the same story, such as movie, novelisation, junior novelisation, comic series, video games, etc all of the same title. 

And then there is the curious situation that concrete dates for a lot of the new canon don't seem to exist, so there is guesswork involved to find out where to place things on the timeline. Didn't seem to have this issue with the Expanded Universe! 

Also, I can't get filters working in a way I like them. If I could get filters working properly then it would make organising everything much easier, and it would look nicer too. 

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