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Grand Moff Tarkin

How about i draw some star wars stuff....

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Doc Ani Jade

Acrobat isn't that useful...

I've got paintshop pro 7.0 (my sister is a graphic design person) and a lot of the techniques are ready made...

The artwork I sart from scratch is bad, but I can edit pictures into different things, or add things...

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I have some drawings of my character from the RPG, how do you get stuff into here? They have blue lines through as it is (lined notebooks, great to get the proportions, not so great once you've got the proportions), so I need to attack it with some kind of artistic program I don't actually own, but where from there?

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Bad furday


You need a program with a tracing paper effect. Then you could trace over what you've drawn and place the drawing on a blank canvas.

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