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It's starting to get pretty good now isn't it. We've all got the hang of it...

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GMT, I know I gave you a week, but well....... waiting for you to fix some thing is like waiting for a glacier to pass by my house....... It probably won't happen and even if in did it will take a few centuries to get from point A to point B.

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*sigh* I'd hate to have to support him in deleting your post GMT....but you can only have 1 charactor active at a time....

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ok, now I actually feel sorry for him. I know GMT's disobeying the rules, but we're not exactly making him welcome, so perhaps it's understandable. If I were him, I'd want to wind us up too.

BTW, is he able to get in here? Has he joined teh RPG usergroup?

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Yes, he can get in here...

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i finally finished my post......sorry it took so long but I didn't think i'd me the one to do the mmeting.......i thought someone else would.........that is ontill i saw you all waiting for me

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Doc Ani Jade

I posted...but there isn't much room to post with...

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Master MJade

i posted days ago and no one has posted!!!!!

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Doc Ani Jade

I posted right before you...don't look at me...

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Master MJade

now it was 5 days ago and no one has posted but i have to do somethin' with Am'ni since link aint a part of this no more

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I'll post... eventully... I'm still not sure what my characters supposed to be doing :D

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Am iI just being completely blind, or has the plan disappeared?

Also, has everyone left yet, or is anyone planning to wirte a 'leaving sequence' or should I just forge ahead and have Aurora arrive. BTW, I'm going to need help deciding which way she's going to go. A lot of help.

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that bacause there is no plan.......i only did a setup not a plan becauce people complaned that my plans were to controling.......now everyone is waiting for my plans.........*sigh*

Ok this is what i would do...........go to plant Aquarus because of the havy tradeing done there it would be easyest it get on to. There you would find out that Reeku is hireing these people because of lack of traned plots not lack of ships. You all need ships (can use NR ships) so you go to Mecha and do a comando mission and take a few TIE definders. Then you go to Atmosus for the inter views. I controll the bad guys so i can send you on a few mission to prove you worth to them.......that's all i got so far.

I have desided that we will kill off corran's chaacter, Dan. But not untill the end........i have something speacal in mind and it will give corran a chance to return (Thow that's unlikely)

MsSolo, if you want my advice go join me, Rogue, and tahiri's characters we only have a few poeple on are story line it would be nice to have more (But it is up to you).

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Hey people, guess what? Today was my last day of school! I'm finally out! Summer vacation has started! :D Yeah so if any of you have been wondering why I haven't posted lately I have one word to say.....finals. And also starting Thursday I'm going to be on vaction for one week so I won't be able to post during that time. Anyway everyone enjoy your summer vacation. I know I will. :D

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I was thinking of going that way, so that's good.

Does anyone want to write about leaving teh Ranger's base for Aquarus (never heard of it, so just as well I'm not going in that direction), or shall I jsut launch in and have Aurora arrive once everyone's gone?

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Master MJade

'll guess i'll get the ball rolling

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Okay, so we're gonna kill off Dan....

I think that's a good idea. It's no help, having a Master, who isn't actually there to guide you...lol. And, it looks like after this chapter Mel will need some guidance. Okay...enough of that...said too much...

I know I probably shouldn't ask...but, I know you already have the game plan...so...how much time are we looking at after this chapter? I really need to know...

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How did you know about that? Me and E-wing discussed killing or making Dan dissapear ages ago, butt we haven't done anything yet...

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I have desided that we will kill off corran's chaacter, Dan. But not untill the end........i have something speacal in mind and it will give corran a chance to return (Thow that's unlikely)quote]

he said this on this very page. I just found out.

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oh yeah... oops..

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Doc Ani Jade

ok...are the Rangers going to be leaving soon? There isn't much to post on now...

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yeah i know...

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Doc Ani Jade

I had an idea to have a spy at the Ranger station or something, but...

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Doc Ani Jade

Yeahk everything's just filler for the chars on the station until they leave, or Aurora arrives.

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