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Bad furday

First Annual GBnet Turkey Hunt

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Bad furday

Yes, I'm bored, but at least I'm keeping with the season!

It was nearing that time on Courscant. Thanksgiving was coming, and the proper bird to grace the dinner table was turkey.

Furday left his appartment on Courscant and traveled to Corellia. There were many wooded areas on the planet and there were sure to be turkeys there. On the way, he contacted the other Psychos.

"Hey folks it's me, Commander furday. I'm going turkey hunting on Corellia, so if anyone wants to, please join me. The more the merrier!"

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Doc Ani Jade

<you're not the only one>

Anakin checked the messages on the comm. Ads, ads, more ads...a turkey hunt?

oh well...not much else to do anyway...

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Rogue stood in her cantina. The booths were pushed asside, to create a narrow row of empty space. Across the way, was a target. Her Brother's picture was pasted onto it, the wet Adhesive still drying. A Bow in her hand, she aimed the arrow. Right in between his eyes....

She was getting ready to shoot, when E4 troddled in beeping crazily. She jumped, relasing the arrow as she spun. It left a nice dent in the wall.

"See what you made me do?" E4 beeped indignantly. "Okay, Okay...who's the message from? Furday? well, what did he say? Anything important? Link and Mjade aren't trying to kill themselves again, are they?"

[well, they are....but Commander Badfurday only wanted to invite you to a "Turkey hunt" what is a "turkey" anyway?]

"It's a um....big stupid bird from beyond the outer rim...yeah, that's it! well, I'm bored anyway, and SS has enough holes in him already, so....bye!" Rogue ran out of the Cantina.

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*Reads the messages*

Hmm turkey hunt? Thta sounds interesting.

*Goes to a case and opnes it.*

Hm Lightsabre, no, Blaster, wouldn't let too much be left of it, shotgun, well same thing, Aha a crossbow, thats something or do i want to use the normal bow?

Ok both!

*Sends Message to Furday : I'm with you pal! Lets kill some Turkeys!*

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*gets Furday's message and sends his reply*

Well...even though us Canadians already had our Thanksgiving last month, I'll come along just so I can kill something. :wink:

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* goes to supermarket *

Here's a turkey.

* pays for it and leaves *


We don't have thanksgiving anyway :D

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Bad furday

Rolling his eyes at Beeurd's beeurdish wit, Furday addressed the group infront of him.

"Well, now that you all have landed, onwards with the hunt! But first," he opened a cargo container before him, " you will need these!"

Furday pulled several vests from the container. They were coloured in GBnet DayGlo Orange.

"This will make it difficult for us to shoot each other by accident." he said.

Furday noticed Rogue looking both angry and worried with the thought of someone shooting the Commander.

"Don't worry Rogue, these things dissipate the energy well. Besides, if you shoot me I'll forgive you. As for the rest of you lot......" Furday glared at everyone else before giving them a broad wink.

Eagerly, Rogue clicked a new power pack into her blaster.

"I like turkey......yum!" she said.

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Pod put on a a vest and shouldered a wicked-looking blaster rifle. "Hee hee, we get to kill things!"

She dissolved into maniacal laughter as the other Psychos turned to stare at her in horror.

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Sticks was deep into meditation when distantly she heard a beep. Getting off the floor and onto her feet, she went to her comm and frowned.

"Turkey Hunt? Sounds interesting. I've always liked shooting things. Maybe I should give this a try," she said aloud.

Her companion streched and looked at Sticks questioningly. "Meow?"

"No, Desiree, you cannot go."

The cat meowed in disappointment and left the room. Sticks went to her closet and picked out purple camo jeans and a purple tube top. "There, I look the part." She finished it off with black boots, then put on her utility belt. She pulled out her dresser drawer and picked out a couple of blasters, cliping some to her belt, then attached some hidden ones elsewhere.

Finsishing getting ready, Sticks sent a message back to Furday telling them to wait for her and that she'd be there soon. After grabbing a quick bite to eat, she was on her way.

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(dum, dum, dum....guess no one wants to hunt anymore since Thanksgiving's over...lol)

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