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CorSecs Star Wars FanArt

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Great. Comments. Look at that :p:roll:

moving right along...

New site's done.

This weekends activities:

- Design new site

- Replicate design for several other pages

- Fix code errors

- Add content and descriptions for each graphic

- Begin harddrive/server clean-up

^- Find important server files and save them elsewhere

^- Wipe server clean

^- Rename nearly every piece of art to correspond with both gif and psp files online and offline

^- Re-upload files, make sure nothing is missing

- Begin adding image links to htm files

- Upload stylesheet

- Fix stylesheet code

- Upload pages

- Realize I made a code error with every single image link: Go back and fix

- Re-upload

- Mild bug test

- Write this up for viewing enjoyment

- Lay down and die

It's up:


Hope you like. Look at it. Read it. See it. Enjoy it. New features: A sig section. For my leet sigs. I also dropped the Database. As it was relatively useless and time-consuming.

The site is now primarily the host for my work.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE: I ask that you look it over. At very least. Find errors. Anything you don't like about speelign, grammer, context, code, missing images, incorrect links etc.

But not capitalization. That's intentional.


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Radioactive Isotope

vuh nice, CorSec

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Yay! someone posted... :D

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there were no pics of you on it.. I want my money back.

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In case any of you wondered (which I doubt you did), my site has been down for like.. a year. And I only just got around to yelling at them to put it back up.

Nothing to see really, but the server was hosting all my sig's, which is why I don't have one in some cases, and am just showing a big red x on other forums due to my lazyness.

huzzah :|

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That's weird. It doesn't seem to be automatically using "index.htm" as the default view.

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I noticed.

I haven't the faintest idea how to fix it too.

They just decided to nerf the server, so I lost all the files on it, and they threw up a blank index.html as the default when they restored it yesterday. I subsequently deleted that file and uploaded all the old stuff, but it doesn't feel like defaulting to my index.

I'll rename mine to index.html tomorrow and see what happens.

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Sweet. 3 days up and they nerf it again! It would be nice if they were explaining why. >.<

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Can I help? :puppydogeyes:

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And yesterday it was back up...

It's like they're toying with me :(

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