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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    You know you?re addicted to Galactic Basic when? ? You are part of the planning committee for a big ?GB Get Together? ? You have a secret (or not so secret) crush on another member of GB ? You talk about the ?Glory Days? of when the forum was ?young? ? You find a way to make yourself a member of every group forum possible ? You post just to say you did because of your daily reputation ? You post at work ? GB is your work (other than that hot fast food kitchen) ? You spend all day online posting occasionally only when someone else has ? Your post count is 45+ a day ? You use GB as a dating service ? You have personal vendettas on different posters ? Your life on GB could be a soap opera (Days of Our Post Size?) ? GB is your home page ? You know a poster(s) in person ? You try to get friends, family members, to join GB to ?keep in touch? ? All you think about offline is, ?I wonder if Beeurd has finished that update yet? ? You know more about any particular poster on GB than you know about your family members? ? Your apartment is located in Psychopathic Jedi Apartments: Top Floor of Psychopathic HQ ? You plan on marrying/are married to/are dating/want to date a member of GB ? You?re planning out the family tree for GB ? You?ve eaten one or more members of GB ? Fireworks + apartments = fun ? There is an army of your clones running rampant. ? You are somehow related to most of the Central Spaceport posters ? You?ve tortured two or more members or have been tortured ? Violence is the answer ? You?ve been killed multiple times (in Hotel Agatto, Hotel del Muertos, or not) ? You?ve participated in more than one giant GB conversation on a messenger service ? You?ve posted quotes from that conversation ? You enjoy giving newbies Blue Lomins ? You find yourself resurrecting old topics just to show where you got your start ? Digging through the Archives is a common pastime. ? You schedule everything around your posting time at GB ? You?ve willingly been operated on at the Hospital of Horrors ? You like the sound of the words: mod, power, lock, and the off topic smiley ? You bought Christmas presents for any member of GB ? You learned lots of new things by talking to posters from GB (sunsets, sewing, etc) ? You are offended that you were never on the hot or not list ? You are in no way shy and have grasped the term ?thinking outside of the box? (what is a box? I?ve never had a box, etc) ? You refresh the browser window just to see if more people are online than just you ? You?ve taken every quiz posted on GB ? You?ve plotted to take over GB ? You?ve attempted to take over GB ? You tried to call Beeurd when the ?l337 h4XX0rs? got hold of the site ? You?ve claimed the title of emperor and plaster it everywhere ? You?ve been on fire or you?ve set another member on fire ? You?ve traveled so far back into the pages of the Central Spaceport that you?ve discovered threads without title posts ? You?ve been listed on here ? You find more and more things to add to this list so yeah...it's not finished...add more, and eventually i'll get it a webpage somewhere!
  2. 1 point
    You feel a wave of nostalgia while looking through very old threads and reading the words of the teenaged versions of the Psychopathic Jedi.
  3. 1 point
    Qui Gon: Anakin, drop! Anakin: Why, Master Qui Goaaaaaaagggh!!! *is decapitated by Darth Maul's speeder* :D
  4. 1 point
    Shmi Skywalker: Leave my son alone, you creepy old man; why are you following a prepubescent boy home you freak?
  5. 1 point
    You beeurdwail your coworkers and don't understand why they don't get it
  6. 1 point
    Omg *3 drinsk* *3 drinks* *3 drinks* *repeat many times*
  7. 1 point
    RUSSIA! They'd never expect it!
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