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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2011 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    *begins drinking herself into oblivion* nothing like trying to be supportive of your husband and only proving yourself to be a total pagan by nearly having a panic attack during an evangelical worship service. I swear as I was running out, I made eye contact with the number two manager in the entire country and I just know he was thinking "there, see the witch being exposed and cast out!" I love the pastor too! I love listening to him speak and coach. But that room was just too small to hide in. But that look that Art gave me... I have such enormous respect for him and making eye contact... he saw right through me. And then Daniel just told me that the CEO waved at him on the way out. He knows I was supposed to be there and he will not forget that I left....
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