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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2016 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Anyone else here playing The Game? You'll know if you are: you'll just have sworn at me for starting this thread ^_^ The aim of The Game is to forget The Game. You remember, you lose. As soon a you learn of The Game you are playing The Game. You will always be playing The Game. Okay, the point of posting it here, other than to irritate people: So far it seems to be a mostly English phenomenon, from people I've asked on other boards, though I do know a few Americans who have been sucked in. I'm just trying to work out how old it is (oldest estimate so far is about 7 years) and how widespread. I know that were I to walk down my local high street on a busy Saturday and yell "Remember the Game" I'd get some hideuosly dirty looks. I was at a maths Lecture in london (see, even Maths has school trips! ^_^ ) and someone mentione it, and a group of complete strangers all turned around yelling "No!" So, tell others about The Game. Do your best to forget to The Game. You will be playing it for the rest of your life. It's a conspiracy, I tell you, a conspiracy!
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