Galactic Basic is run by volunteers, and we are in need of people to help create new content for the website and grow our community.
Whether you are a long-time supporter or a newcomer, as long as you have a love of Star Wars, a passion for community, and a small amount of free time each week we'd be glad to have you on board.
Current Positions
Content Writers
We would like to publish articles about all things Star Wars. You don't need to cover everything yourself; if you just want to focus on a particular type of content, such as movie news, video game guides, book reviews, or even if you want to report on a specific comic or television series that is fine with us.
Content writing experience is not compulsory as long as you are happy to have somebody serve as an editor before content is published.
Any content you submit will be credited to your own profile, and links to it may be shared on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
For more information or to apply, please contact me.