This will probably come as no surprise, as we have already been told of Disney's plan to release a new Star Wars movie every year, starting with Star Wars Episode VII and alternating between a Star Wars episode and a spin-off movie.
We can also expect to see television series tie-ins and rumour has it that after a recent Marvel deal with Netflix, we could see another new Star Wars show head that way too.
What else can we expect from this strategy? With Marvel so far, Disney has introduced characters and threads in stand-alone movies and sequels, then tied all the ends up to form a mega movie a-la Avengers. It seems highly likely that characters and storylines introduced in the Star Wars spin-offs and television shows will find their way into future instalments of the Star Wars saga, and if done correctly it could work well.
But as with anything Star Wars, the potential for a fan backlash is always there if things go wrong!